Melodic Vibrations was created in 2019 and is led by Nelly Pereira, singer and Vocal Coach.
This class is for everyone who loves to sing! The advantage: to sing in this choir, participants do not need any special musical knowledge. Discover the psychological, physical, social and educational benefits of singing in a choir!
Course overview:
-Warm-up exercises to leave behind the stress of everyday life
-Vocal exercises
-Choice of a song to go into detail and correct pronunciation and rhythm
-All of this will take place without notes and without scores
-The speaker will accompany the participants on a piano to develop a musical sensitivity without musical sensitivity without the need to use scores.
-In order to rehearse at home, the different members will have recordings with the different with the different voices and lyrics of the songs.
-At the end of the year the choir will give a concert!
Date: from Monday, 16/09/2024, every Monday (except during school vacations)
Place: "Sang a Klang", Paafendall - 1, rue des Trois Glands, L-1629 Luxembourg-Pfaffenthal
Schedule: 19h00-21h00
Fee: 75€ per semester
**The first class is considered a trial class, after which you can decide to continue or not.
**As we are working towards a concert in December, it is advisable not to miss more than 3 times.
Conductor: Nelly Pereira